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  • Writer's pictureEzekiel Favour Kargbo

Will This Be True That A Full Time Pastor Might Switch to Become A Full Time Gospel Music Minister

Pastor Joseph Lahai commonly known as Pastor Jal went to the Bo government Secondary School where he undergo his secondary Education and later went to the Fourahbay College of the University of Sierra Leone for his Tertiary Education.

Before his encounter and call to the Pastoral field, he was then identify amongst some of the top stars in the secular music community where he was given the platform to do so many RnB love songs. He was called by God through the Holy Spirit at a later date to serve in His vineyard and he yielded with all humility till date.

Joseph Lahai serves as the Board Chairman at Every Nation Campus Ministries-Sierra Leone and also doubles as the Pastor In-Charge of New Harvest Ministries, Wilkinson Road branch and also married to a beautiful, loving and caring wife Mrs. Martha Lahai. Since his service as a pastor, he has not be involve in any gospel music venture due to his past experience with the secular music community. His music conviction came about a time during the outbreak of the Corona Virus in the year 2020 when everyone was ask to stay at home as a lockdown strike across nations. The inspiration of writing songs was birth from the holy spirit and since then a list of spirit filled songs were being birth.

Since everything came to normalcy, Pastor Joseph decided to do his First Album launching which was a huge success and amidst this launching, another spirit filled song was bath and this song has being a blessing to so many lives.

Men and brethren, all gospel music lovers, Christian community and the General Membership of the New Harvest Ministries worldwide, create a time and atmosphere for you to watch and listen to the Song Title: Ar Dae Call U Papa………… A song done by Pastor Joseph Lahai that expresses the fatherly role of God in his life and the life of others; no one will ever explain or expresses the goodness of God in one’s life.

Could this be that Pastor Joseph Lahai might switch to be a Full time Gospel Music Minister?....... well let’s wait for another surprise and then we can give an answer to the question.

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