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  • Writer's pictureEzekiel Favour Kargbo

The Call For Unity Towards a Productive and Successful Sierra Leone Gospel Music

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

On Sunday 24th July, 2022 at around 4pm, the Sierra Leone Gospel Musicians Council a body formed by gospel musicians in Sierra Leone some three (3) years ago held its first ever successful meeting.

Sierra Leone gospel music has a rich history of being successful and productive. Back in the days of the legendaries like Apost. George Buannie, Sis. Vicky Fornah Hassan, Pst. Dauda Koroma, Pst. Alim Sesay, Sis. Hannah Williams Jones, Evang. Kwame Coker, Evang. Ebenezar Venn Bangura, Rev. Alpha Bassie Kamara, Pst. Ibrahim Wright Samura, Sis. Cordelia Sankoh, Evang. Moses Misallie, Rev, Justin Marva and the CCSL Gospel Band, G7 (God’s Seven), Agape Springs, Springs of Joy, C-Bangs Sisters, Rev. Alimamy Patso & The Wesleyan Voices, Bro. Johny Paul Koroma, Bro. Abdulia Bayoh and the Herald of Hope, Juliet and Jatu, Christo Wizo & the Heavenly Dancers, Evang. Kajor Sampson Johnson & The Gospel Nightingales, Frandee Gospel Band, late Sis. Millicent Rhodes, Princess of Praise, Pst. Memunatu Kabia, Bro. S.I. Bangs & Bro. Johny Wisdom Koroma, and so many others.

During those era, gospel music was not classified into:



Doctrinal base


Age class/superiority

Even though an artist might have the capability more than his/her colleague but the strive towards unity in diversity was their ultimate goal. In those era, Artist from Bo Town, Makeni, Eastern (Wellington), will collaborate with musicians in the West-End of Freetown to organize a musical event with the sole aim of lifting the name of Jesus higher through music.

Also with the help of Cassette Sellers Association (CSA) and Super Sound Production, music was worth financially benefited from; as royalty was given to each artist on his/her Album release.

It could be recalled that the last highest ever selling gospel album was done around the Year 2009/2010 and it was done by Bro. Edward Koroma, Album Title: God has Done It.

Amidst these successes, there was also challenges that each artist/groups were faced with but they didn’t allow the challenges to outweigh their successes and this was never spotted by any fans or gospel music lovers within and outside Sierra Leone as compare to now.

Against this backdrop, the call and cry for unity amongst gospel musicians in Sierra Leone by God-fearing and music loving musicians at home and abroad as well as fans and gospel music lovers has be on the increase.

During the meeting, the Interim President (Pastor Alim Sesay), unbehalf of his executive give a summary on some of their undertakings, and thank those who attended the meeting both in person and online. Many action points were given by gospel musicians and to list but few, they are:

§ That the name of the council be change from Gospel Musicians Council to Gospel Music Council in-order for other segments like poetry, dance, comedy etc. to feel belong and not left out.

§ That there will be a Gospel Musicians Conference on Sunday 25th September 2022 in-order for the Review of the Constitution and also the Selection/Election of a New Executive.

§ Another Consultative Meeting will be held amongst musicians on Sunday 14th August, 2022 as a preparation for the propose Conference.

§ All Musician(s) should make it a must to Register with the Council for a proof of eligibility during the Conference. Registration Fee is Le 50,000 and should be paid to the Interim Secretary General Mr. Promise.

§ All other structure(s) for the Council will be put in place after the Consultative Meeting and Conference respectively. These structures are centered around the productivity of the Council as suggested during the meeting.

The in-person turnout of the meeting was 81 in total and via Zoom it was almost more than 50 persons present with representatives of leaders of the other district Gospel bodies in Sierra Leone. The meeting ended with a circle of prayer of unity and a video of Councils endorsement on oneness.

As noted by a song writer in his lyrics that “Unity is the bond of perfection”, we look forward to a productive and Successful Gospel Music Council and we plead with the interim body to run the vision with speed henceforth before the conference because the demand for progress is here but if they fail to, we will call it again another Charles Darwin’s theory “Struggle For existence” & “survival of the Fittest”.

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