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  • Writer's pictureEzekiel Favour Kargbo

Not Only A Birthday Celebrant But We Celebrate One Of Sierra Leone Gospel History Makers

Jabbok Hassan also known as Ata or Tinny is a Sierra Leone Gospel Promoter and also doubles as the Chief Executive Officer or Pioneer of Nine Words Entertainment. Nine Words Entertainment is a gospel promoting body that signifies the nine fruit of the spirit. Jabbok serves as the Vice President for Sierra Leone Gospel Promoters Union (SLGPU).

Jabbok has been an experience secular promoter for years with the same exhibition of humility that he portrays till date. After his encounter with Christ, he was then given the mandate to exhibit his God-given talent in church; Till date everyone can testify that with his little contribution in promotion of the Gospel Music Community has helped the Sierra Leone Gospel Music Community to where it is today.

We do not only celebrate him as a birthday celebrant born on May 11th, a day we all know that people all over the world commemorate and remember for a one time legend (Bob Marley) and tis also with us as Sierra Leone Gospel Music body must always celebrate and remember Jabbok for his tremendous and selfless work in the gospel music community. We cannot talk about the growth of the gospel music industry without mentioning his name.

Jabbok as we celebrate you this day, we pray you continue to be who God has wanted you to be; always stay focus on your mandate and pray that you always speak to the rod in your hand and not strike it. There may be challenges on the way but just be strong and courageous for the Lord your God is with you our promoter. Unbehalf of the President and members of the Sierra Leone Gospel Promoters Union we celebrate you today and always our able Vice President (VP). Continue to shine on and prosper in His vineyard.

To more cakes, flowers, sweet and chocolate and we hope for a bigger and double celebration next year with madam Jabbok as the chief caterer hahahaha………….. Amen……………

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