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  • Writer's pictureEzekiel Favour Kargbo

As Tehilla 2021 Set To Hit Stage Surprise Awaits Worshipers.

Tehilla as describe in the Bible is a Hebrew word meaning Praise. For the past three (3) years now, worshippers have been gathering in the lifting of hands and giving Praise and thanks to the maker of mankind, the I am that I am on different venue organized by a renown Pastor and Gospel musician Pastor Alim Sesay.

Pastor Alim Sesay is the Visioner, Founder and Senior Pastor of the Christ International Worship Centre (CIWC) who also doubles as one of the legends of Sierra Leone Gospel Music and now assuming the position of the President of Gospel Musicians Council (GMC). We can count of songs that has imparted many lives since 1999 till date, to name a few: You are Mine, Let my Gate be Open, He’s Alive, New Jerusalem etc.

Pastor Alim Sesay is a fatherly figure and mentor to many gospel musicians or non-musicians at home and abroad with an attribute to complement other gospel musicians or Church in the Christendom.

The 2018 Edition of Tehilla was tagged as all white worship; the event was a successful one with lots of testimonies on healing and deliverance with also a surprise package of guest performer by the name of Emmerson Bockarie a popularly known social commentary secular musician. The outstanding collaborative performance of Emmerson Bockarie and Pastor Alim created an atmosphere filled with God’s presence.

2019 Edition was also jam packed with worshipers with the thirst for breakthrough and many receive theirs according to the level of their faith. The stage was on fire with different renown gospel music ministers with the host collaborating with MJ and the Unlimited Band.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that shook the world and got so many business into standstill on their economic growth especially the entertainment sector to be precise and this prompt the Convener and Team to put a hold on the event for 2020 until there is stability and everything resume to normalcy.

We are glad to announce to you that TEHILLA 2021 is here and this time is bigger than before with a surprise package awaiting you all. The Theme for this year says it all: Intentional Worship. Come with an heart of expectation to receive from God and don’t afford to miss this year’s Tehilla brethren for it is going to be awesome and wonderful.

See below for more Details:

Tehilla 2021

Date: 21st November 2021

Place: YWCA New Hall, Brookfields

Time: 6pm

Theme: Intentional Worship

Fee: Free! Free! Free!

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